Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Tue, July 29, 2008 - 2:50 PM
so, it happened all at once
which is a blessing I suppose
easlily explained or ameliorated
her mood and handling of me
grumpy to nth degree
she's lost her hair
all at once
not the dreaded scene
of pulling it out
a clump or two at a time
a scene frenzied and

no, this time it had been easing its' way out
a few strands a day, hardly
worth the proactive head shaving
she'd decided would avoid that nasty
other option
she didn't want to suffer it so

she'd waited
patiently to see
if indeed she'd need the hats
and now she does!

mefr 07/29/08

photo: www.dcsavvy.com

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