Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dr. Goodman to the rescue!

The cavalry has come!

Dr. Goodman at Swedish, whisked her from his office by wheelchair to the hospital, to a room and began draining the fluid off her heart! I left last night, with the idea I'd return this am by 7am to hear what he's got in store for her, hopefully chemo b4 the weeks' out! Amen!

It's the next round and I feel we may prevail with this new team! Here we go, I'll be with there until Friday am when her best friend from IN will stay with her until Sunday am!

thanks for your prayers, keep having happy thoughts and yes, I am smiling, again! Knowing we've done our best, my sis and I!

kisses y'all ... pray for her highest good, we're prepared but, hopeful it will be to stay with us! E

1 comment:

Gidge Uriza said...