Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Miracouslous! Remapping the Brain and Feldenkreis!

SO, I went to my 3rd or was it fourth, class and decided to buy $38 card, before I even had the class. SO sure am I that, I'm on the right track to wellness of a different flavor.

Today, lying on the acupuncture table post a German exchange*, I noticed my legs disposition. It was so, different than in class last night. I felt myself more vindicated in having spent the $. The left leg, post a non walking interruption, usually just falls open, having little or no tone. It was falling open last night and I had little muscle control to do otherwise. Today it was pointing almost up with little to no effort, unlike what it took to simply hold it there for a few seconds, last night. In class, we had done a series of, I'll call them clam shell, muscle exercises that were difficult. (I'd smelled my shampoo come to life scent-wise, which makes me think I was perspiring a little.) Today, I felt I had more muscle tone. It wasn't just flopping! Yay!!

Anyway, today speaking German. Not just translating German, but speaking with Dirk my acupuncturist as I had once upon a time, when I was younger. I was struck by how much more easily the whole language thing was, today, after that Feldenkreis class And by how much more easily and gracefully, naturally, I was moving. It seemed to me somehow significant that a remapping of my body would effect a remapping of the language, would affect the remapping of the body and I started giggling! Suddenly the Ren & Stimpy Happy Happy Joy Joy! song made me giggle out loud and I felt joyous!

tonights' rehearsal for the white show was spectacular! I'm very excited by the whole thing!

***recent rediscovery of my**(*there's a special til 7/5/08, and I'm contemplating the $144 dollar for 20 classes card!)

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