Wednesday, May 28, 2008

happy happy joy joy

This was my house mates addition to my day! it's really seen me thu the day today!

I sent it to my best gf, she said 'I can't watch videos at work!' and then later ' that was really funny! '

later when my mom called with the news of her cancer prognosis in terms of what's next and she said 'here we go!' I heard it, again! Happy Happpy Joy! Joy! It still made me laugh and we decided on a diet of laughter for us both, from now on!

we agreed that, if it's fun! We're so totally, there! she feels certain they've found it in time and that the water on her lungs is just that fluid and will recede of its' own.

and I noticed my leg held itself upright (foot toward the ceiling) on the acupuncture table, in the way I couldn't last night at the frustrating, rewiring Feldenkreis class and was joyful! That in combination with remembering and speaking my fluent german with my acupuncturist, triggered giggling and sponataneous joyfulness, and then I had a deep felt 5E session and was SO hungry for goood nutritious food. I'd actuallly forgotten how good my second language feels to speak! It's like a whole piece of me has been missing!

So, I am again, overwhelmed by the synchronicities of life and the fact that Amma is coming Friday! just in time for the White show and the reactivation of the sacred goddess celebration, the Little Red Studio, has become in my mind.

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